Although a certain part of me is screaming "now is not the time". . . because we have a federal government that is launching a serious attack on working people, the poor, and families, I know many of you will be saying - Margaret Anne - we should be sticking together now. . . nevertheless, I am compelled to do the following. . .
Since I could vote, I have worked for, voted for and donated to the NDP. I have run as a candidate provincially and federally, for the party. I will continue to vote for them (what choice do I have, other than withdrawing from the process??) and will even remain a member, but today, I have cancelled my monthly automatic donations (PACs) to both the provincial and federal NDP.
I figure there is little point in doing so, unless I publicize why - so this is my post today.
I have cancelled my PACs (automatic monthly donations) over Gaza, Palestinians generally, the Canadian Boat to Gaza and the Nova Scotia Trade Mission to Israel. I will be explicit and I hope educational in the following.
First the province -- in the news yesterday I heard that Premier Dexter is "leading a Trade Mission to Israel this fall." I could hardly believe it but I looked it up and sure enough they are actually promoting it on the government website.
Now, here's the thing - there is an International Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement. According to the website:
There are National and International groups helping to enforce and expand BDS in countries around the world. In Canada there is and and, in particular I draw your attention to: which is specifically about the Premier's trip to Israel and why it is wrong. I found it compelling enough to take this action - it says in part:
Federally, I was appalled to find Jack Layton telling the people risking life and limb on the Canadian Boat to Gaza; like anti-apartheid work in S.A. or freedom riders (some of whom died) in the U.S. . . that they should abandon this mission and work through "international channels and organizations". . . Uh? WTF?
You can find info on the Tahrir - the Canadian Boat to Gaza - here.
I also enjoyed this video:
Gaza Island from Albino Squirrel Channel on Vimeo.
There have been U.N. resolutions and investigations and reports and they all condemn the actions of Israel for mass punishment of Gaza, breaking International Law at sea, and in the building of illegal settlements, taking over Palestinian land, and a myriad of injustices done daily to Palestinians in Israel and the West Bank. I was made to pay attention when the shelling began in late 2009 - remember Operation Cast Lead - the massacre of Gazan women and children? Gaza ia a little strip of land - bordering Egypt, Israel and the Mediterranean.
It is about 40 km long and about 6-12 km long - smaller in space than many cities. There are over 1.5 million people live in the Gaza Strip and there is no legal way in or out for most people. In Operation Cast Lead Israel began shelling this imprisoned population killing over 1400 Palestinians, over half of them women and children. At this point I got active in Palestinian support work. It was like putting people in prison and then shooting at them. After that Israel will not led all aid in . . . there is a crazy list of prohibited materials not just building materials like concrete and rebar but also foodstuffs and toys that are randomly prohibited. Business cannot be carried on and it is the only country in the world where 70% of the population lives on humanitarian aid.
All this condemnation comes from the U.N., it is true, but then nothing. At some point, "the people" and not governments (since they apparently will not) have to stand up and say - "We are not going to permit this anymore"! I am not well organized enough (and have family and work commitments) but in my heart I am on that boat to Gaza. . . I was on the Mavi Marmara in spirit and felt the repercussions - what if it had been me?
If you had a way to defend people wouldn't you take it? The NDP press release from June 9th says:
So join the BDS movement - educate yourself about Gaza, the issues of Palestinians generally and the injustices and violence done to them by the "western" and friendly state of Israel. You can start with: and some of the Canadian sites/links above.
And then, maybe we can get the NDP leadership onside on this issue -- they should be on the side of the angels. Check out this letter to Jack Layton from one of the Canadians - David Heap - who will be travelling on that flotilla to break the blockade (an illegal blockade I might add, which Jack Layton says he agrees is illegal) but cannot support the Boat or support the Canadians who will be on it. In part Heap says:
Since I could vote, I have worked for, voted for and donated to the NDP. I have run as a candidate provincially and federally, for the party. I will continue to vote for them (what choice do I have, other than withdrawing from the process??) and will even remain a member, but today, I have cancelled my monthly automatic donations (PACs) to both the provincial and federal NDP.
I figure there is little point in doing so, unless I publicize why - so this is my post today.
I have cancelled my PACs (automatic monthly donations) over Gaza, Palestinians generally, the Canadian Boat to Gaza and the Nova Scotia Trade Mission to Israel. I will be explicit and I hope educational in the following.
First the province -- in the news yesterday I heard that Premier Dexter is "leading a Trade Mission to Israel this fall." I could hardly believe it but I looked it up and sure enough they are actually promoting it on the government website.
Now, here's the thing - there is an International Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement. According to the website:
For decades, Israel has denied Palestinians their fundamental rights of freedom, equality, and self-determination through ethnic cleansing, colonization, racial discrimination, and military occupation. Despite abundant condemnation of Israeli policies by the UN, other international bodies, and preeminent human rights organisations, the world community has failed to hold Israel accountable and enforce compliance with basic principles of law. Israel’s crimes have continued with impunity.
In view of this continued failure, Palestinian civil society called for a global citizens’ response. On July 9 2005, a year after the International Court of Justice’s historic advisory opinion on the illegality of Israel’s Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), a clear majority of Palestinian civil society called upon their counterparts and people of conscience all over the world to launch broad boycotts, implement divestment initiatives, and to demand sanctions against Israel, until Palestinian rights are recognised in full compliance with international law.
There are National and International groups helping to enforce and expand BDS in countries around the world. In Canada there is and and, in particular I draw your attention to: which is specifically about the Premier's trip to Israel and why it is wrong. I found it compelling enough to take this action - it says in part:
At a time when the world community is working to resolve the situation, when Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups are increasingly vocal and suffering for it, when even U.S. President Barack Obama has challenged Israel’s policies, Nova Scotia should not be going the other way. Sometimes, friends need to tell friends they are wrong and back it up with action. And if Nova Scotia cannot, or will not, do this, it should step to the side and stop making things worse.I encourage others to cancel your PAC (not your membership/critical support) and let the provincial NDP in N.S. know why . . . Would you pay for a government that supported South African Apartheid or segregation in the U.S.? I didn't think so - if you support this Trade Mission - you are on the wrong side!!!!
Federally, I was appalled to find Jack Layton telling the people risking life and limb on the Canadian Boat to Gaza; like anti-apartheid work in S.A. or freedom riders (some of whom died) in the U.S. . . that they should abandon this mission and work through "international channels and organizations". . . Uh? WTF?
You can find info on the Tahrir - the Canadian Boat to Gaza - here.
I also enjoyed this video:
Gaza Island from Albino Squirrel Channel on Vimeo.
There have been U.N. resolutions and investigations and reports and they all condemn the actions of Israel for mass punishment of Gaza, breaking International Law at sea, and in the building of illegal settlements, taking over Palestinian land, and a myriad of injustices done daily to Palestinians in Israel and the West Bank. I was made to pay attention when the shelling began in late 2009 - remember Operation Cast Lead - the massacre of Gazan women and children? Gaza ia a little strip of land - bordering Egypt, Israel and the Mediterranean.
It is about 40 km long and about 6-12 km long - smaller in space than many cities. There are over 1.5 million people live in the Gaza Strip and there is no legal way in or out for most people. In Operation Cast Lead Israel began shelling this imprisoned population killing over 1400 Palestinians, over half of them women and children. At this point I got active in Palestinian support work. It was like putting people in prison and then shooting at them. After that Israel will not led all aid in . . . there is a crazy list of prohibited materials not just building materials like concrete and rebar but also foodstuffs and toys that are randomly prohibited. Business cannot be carried on and it is the only country in the world where 70% of the population lives on humanitarian aid.
All this condemnation comes from the U.N., it is true, but then nothing. At some point, "the people" and not governments (since they apparently will not) have to stand up and say - "We are not going to permit this anymore"! I am not well organized enough (and have family and work commitments) but in my heart I am on that boat to Gaza. . . I was on the Mavi Marmara in spirit and felt the repercussions - what if it had been me?
If you had a way to defend people wouldn't you take it? The NDP press release from June 9th says:
This is not enough, not strong enough -- perhaps there are some international "niceties" being observed here - but to say that . . . well we don't think they are doing the right thing ("New Democrats do not support the Flotilla") and we'll ask them to reconsider going? Safety may be a priority but this has no teeth - so I guess the NDP is OK with letting those Canadians stand up for an (they agree) illegal blockade, on their own with no support, not even a "good on ya", for taking this on.
June 9, 2011
So join the BDS movement - educate yourself about Gaza, the issues of Palestinians generally and the injustices and violence done to them by the "western" and friendly state of Israel. You can start with: and some of the Canadian sites/links above.
And then, maybe we can get the NDP leadership onside on this issue -- they should be on the side of the angels. Check out this letter to Jack Layton from one of the Canadians - David Heap - who will be travelling on that flotilla to break the blockade (an illegal blockade I might add, which Jack Layton says he agrees is illegal) but cannot support the Boat or support the Canadians who will be on it. In part Heap says:
Those opposed to justice will always try to intimidate those who stand on the side of the oppressed: our work must always be to face these risks nonviolently and not give in to intimidation. These risks are greatly reduced (though not eliminated) by solidarity: we are safer when we walk with others on a picket line, and we will be safer on the Canadian Boat to Gaza because of the many Canadians who have contributed to our campaign and who will be following our progress towards Gaza.
Will you stand with us, and with them? Or will you stand on the sidelines of history?So my money will be going to the Canadian Boat to Gaza and not to the NDP. It is painful but it had to be done.
Pulitzer-winning author Alice Walker, who will be on the U.S. Boat to Gaza, has called our Freedom Flotilla the "Freedom Ride of this era”.