The Shore

The Shore

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day One - N.S. Federation of Labour 2011 Convention

Today opened with a speech by Rick Clarke President of the N.S. Federation of Labour.   He opened by mentioning a Globe oped piece today -- an attack on public sector workers.  We have all got to be vigilant and speak out, talk back, write letters, but do not let these attacks go without a response.
 He talked about Ships Start Here, and what that 25B contract means for N.S. workers, and the N.S. economy.  He announced that the funding for the Office of the Worker Counsellor had been renewed and how well they had done in a review.   He talked about the need for 1st contract legislation which was also covered in a resolution debated in the afternoon, but referred back to be debated tomorrow.

He talked extensively about the need to fight back against the Harper govenment, and how much that government is attacking the rights of workers.  He also talked about our provincial NDP government and the neeed to work with them but never give up demanding what we need from them.

He spoke passionately about Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and the need for the provincial government to make changes to protect workers.  23 fatalities last year, 7000 compensable injuries -- we need to expand education and awareness to save lives.  We need universal Workers Compensation coverage (not all workers in N.S. are covered by WCB).   We also need regulation changes to ensure that bullying and psychological harrassment are covered under OH&S legislation.

We need government to enforce the  OH&S laws currently on the books.  Lets put those repsonsible for injuries and death at work, in jail, instead of just providing corporations with a fine that is a tax deduction.   NO more carnage at work!

Most of the day was spent debating resolutions.  None of them provoked substantial debate and most were passed unanimously.  All four Labour Council resolutions passed: 1) expanding the CLIFF festival to N.S., 2) Setting up a committee to propse ways of setting up a worker's action centre in NS, 3) Expanding Mayworks and Mayday celebrations to more locations in N.S. and 4) having the NSFL coordinate a munipal election campaign and strategy throughout the province.

In the afternoon we were treated to a presentation by some of the folks from Occupy N.S. who are working on democratic processes and keeping everyone's attention on the fact that greed is the problem, that wealth is concentrated in too few hands and the result is the elimination of democracy and choice for the people.  Everyone is encouraged to go and hang out at the Occupy movement at the Grand Parade . . .  they still have General Meetings every night at seven pm.  Every Friday night is a dance party!

Caucuses were held at the end of the day to elect some General Vice Presidents, but as of this evening only one is reported.   Margaret Anne McHugh, Secretary of the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council was elected the CEP General Vice President of the NSFL, by the CEP Caucus.

Tonight at Celtic Corner (across from Alderney Landing in Dartmouth) is the CD Launch of Cape Breton Protest Songs.  All welcome.

Opening -- Nova Scotia Federation of Labour 2011

Last night was the kick off of the 2011 Nova Scotia Federation of Labour Convention.   It began with a Call to Order, and the singing of Solidarity Forever. (So glad I had been going to choir and felt in full voice. eat speech welcoming )

Then our own President, Brother Kyle Buott gave a great speech, in part to Welcome delegates to Dartmouth, which you can see below.  He finished up with a quote from Eugene Debs "Speak truth to power and they will call itrevolution"

This was followed by a speech from the President of the CLC - Brother Ken Georgetti which can be seen at:

Brother Georgetti spoke to a number of issues - congratulating NS on the "ships" contract, and urging us all to press the NDP provincial government for first contract legilstion.   He sent us a warning abour the dangers of the Harper
government in Ottawa, and urged us to standup and fight back.  He spoke of Labour's support for the "occupy movement" nationally and internationally, and spoke about how our problems, especially income inequity all do go back to "corporate greed".

The last speaker was the keynote speaker, Mike McBane  who spoke on health care and particularly on the need to ensure a new federal/provincial health accord 2014.  We need to fight against privatization and be wary of giant, for profit, health care corporations . . .  see for more info.