Today I am back at home on the shore. . . There are Herons this morning, as there were the last few mornings. Been a while since I have posted because I broke my hand - yup 4th and 5th meta carpals where they meet the carpals. Makes it very hard to type.
I am still trying to decide whether I should be, at least slightly litigious, in this circumstance because a broken right hand is a great inconvenience -- especially when on vacation, at a resort, at a week long educational event and while visiting my blind mother.
But mostly today I am thinking about the NDP. A friend of mine, who should know better, when I said yesterday that I will vote for Peter Stoffer, but am going to work for Brad Pye, said that she could not bring herself to vote for Peter, but was going to vote Green instead. . . I could not convince her that "the party" matters - even though that is the way that the parliament of Canada operates - generally with party discipline - that's why they call then "the Whip"!
Peter, she said, supports the Afghan war and voted for the unborn victims of crime act and so will never again get her vote. But for me, I have to vote the party. Although Peter has broken ranks with the party he still mostly votes with them.
We (that is the people and the NDP) need a bigger caucus to have more influence. We need to be the government of this country and defend the interests of working people, replace lost manufacturing jobs with a new green industrial strategy, protect Canadian sovereignty and the environment, and equalize incomes with a more progressive taxation - make the rich and corporations pay their share. Alright so I am ranting. . . I see it all so clearly!
A federal election will be called tomorrow and I will be working for the NDP. You can check out some of their policies and who is running in your riding at:
I like the new ad (found it on the site, but you can see it below) because I want people to vote for what is good for them. That is what is good for you. We've tried what's good for the rich and big corporations through Harper, Chretien/Martin and Mulroney before them -- Conservative or Liberal, when it comes to economics and to my day to day life, there is little difference -- if you want proof, see how the vast majority of Canadians have fared -- check out the growing gap -- lets face it it's time to give the NDP a try!!!!
See a new kind of strong at:
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