I read a great analysis in the Globe and Mail today from Leslie Campbell in which he says:
The ascension of Mr. Ignatieff, while making a formal coalition less likely, may be a boon to the NDP. The NDP's view is that a coalition agreement has been signed and, while the Liberals are free to choose any leader they want, a deal is a deal. Any retreat from the coalition by Mr. Ignatieff will be characterized by the NDP as a return to unprincipled Liberal support of the Conservatives, leaving the door open to appeal to disillusioned "left" Liberals.
I thought this was great, as I have been worried about the demise of the coalition, since I know that Mr. Ignatieff (I always called him Iggy - but if that is going to become an affectionate monikor I may stop!) comes from the right wing of the party. (my son has run twice against him!) I assume that he will not want to participate in the coalition because he has more in common with the Harper Tories - that is he believes in smaller gov't, money for financial markets and big business but no help for small business or the unemployed etc. - than he does with the centre left.
Now that can be used against him too. I have lived in NB, NS, Ontario, Saskatchewan and BC. I do feel like the country is centre left. I wish it was further left - I wish people would vote for the government that would actually work on their behalf and demand that political parties speaks to their needs - but maybe if they see a little light in the US - they will demand that we stay ahead of the US on progressive politics - of course that will depend how different the new US government is. . .
It is going to be an unpredictable roller coaster for the next few months. . . remember. . . may you live in interesting times.
Hi Margaret Anne:
Your link actually points to the farewell feature by Africa correspondence Stephanie Nolen.
Also, if Leslie Campbell is who I think it is (pending the correct link), he's a fella (former chief of staff to Audrey McLaughlin and Gary Doer, now in Washington).
Ah, I found the link ... and yes, it's the Les Campbell I thought it was.
Thanks both items are now fixed.
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