I hope this is some sort of turning point about Canada's (and the U.S.) support for Israel. They have become the enemy that they were supported to help rid the world of. I think people in Israel should be able to live in peace, but they elected this right wing war mongering government. It is going to mean more violence. . .
In case you are asleep under a rock this morning - Israel boarded ships loaded with humanitarian aid meant for Gaza, in International Waters, this morning and killed at least 20 and injured over 60. I await more news. Turkey has withdrawn their ambassador (the largest/lead ship was Turkish and so are all the dead - as reported so far) They have been denounced by the U.N. including by Ban-Ki-Moon and by Sarkoszy in France -
See Judy Rebick's blog here.
Israel says that they were "fired upon:" first and reacted but Turkey says that there were no arms aboard. See here. She says in Part:
Woke up at 3 am today for some reason and looked at my blackberry twitter feed. I couldn't believe my eyes. Israeli Defense Forces had just attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla killing human rights activists and trying to defend it by some cock and bull story about lynch mobs. I haven't felt that kind of horror since I heard about the massacre in Sabra and Shatila in 1982, not because the death toll is as high but because of the understanding that the Israeli government will stop on nothing. Please go out to the protests in your town. List follows as does a statement from the Alternate Information Center, a Palestinian/Israeli group in Israel.She lists protest in Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa but let me know if you know of others - especially in Halifax, I have to take this grief and anger somewhere!
Video of Israeli soldiers boarding here:
1 comment:
In the spirit of the Israeli Government Anonymous here is typically abusive and irrational. Every day the Israeli government insults the memory of all those lost in the Shoah by maintaining their own militaristic hate machine against a people relegated to their own kind of concentration camps. And then they label them as evil for trying in the only ways they have to struggle for a life and home of their own. And the largest tragedy is that the expansionist forces in the Israeli government feed off and encourage anti-Semitism because they know that this is their only justification for slowly engulfing the lands of Palestine against all international law. But in the end it is a political struggle of expansionism versus a people which are an easy target and have very little way to defend themselves. And so it goes.
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