The Shore

The Shore

Saturday, April 30, 2011

NDP Surge - voting is in vogue. . .

I wrote the following a while agao - but never hit publish.   I am even more excited today!


Wow. . .  I feel like something is happening!  and I could not be happier.

As of this morning the NDP is WAAAAAYYYY  up in the polls and there is a "surge".   Ekos is projecting 100 seats after the results of an EKOS poll published yesterday. 

No more strtategic voting, and all those people who always said that they would vote NDP - "but they can't win" have to think about what they are doing in this election.

Look,  I don't think a gentler neoliberal party will solve the world's woes, and I wish they were truly socialist. . . but at least they will uphold parliamentary democracy, defend pensions and regulate the banks and guns.   I don't think I can count on them to nationalize the oil companies but I do think that healthcare will be secure.  . .

So I say - get out there and tell everyone to vote NDP!

The EKOS poll from yesterday -

Fantastic blog at:

It ends with a list of John McMurty'sunspeakable truths. . .
Here are McMurtry's 30 examples of "unspeakable truths" (written in 1988) which you can test for yourself by asking "how many times do I see this "truth" in the mass media:

1.Taking more out than you put in as a regular practice – as in money profits – is morally wrong.

2.The capitalist workplace is anti-democratic.

3.General Motors, Dupont. IT&T, Standard Oil and Ford Corporations all produced military supplies for the Nazi armed forces during World War II while the United States was at war with Germany.

4.Unearned wealth should be abolished as a matter of just public policy.

5.The government needs to regulate the investment of Canadian/U.S. capital abroad to societies with poor human rights and environmental standards, so as to protect these standards in both North America and the developing world.

6.The free market means that those without money to buy what they need do not have the right to live.

7.The major player in the international drug trade since the Second World War, using drug enforcement laws to maintain its monopoly, has been the United States government to finance internationally illegal foreign interventions.

8.Over 70% of eligible U.S. and British voters did not vote for Reagan or Thatcher "landslides".

9.The arms race and international wars are very profitable for most multinational corporations.

10.The long-term pattern of U.S. and Canadian foreign policy in the non-white world has been alliances with fascist-type governments rather than their opponents.

11.The "free world" is not truly free because its citizens do not have the effective right to criticize the capitalist system.

12.The history of Western civilization is largely a history of genocide against nonwhite peoples and cultures.

13.The greatest danger to Canada's freedom and security comes from the United States.

14.There is no Correlation between people's wealth and their merit.

15.In many cases, social ownership of major industries is sound social policy.

16.The very rich ought not to be admired, but rather condemned for their acquisitive self-interest at others' expense.

17.A small minority's monopoly ownership of society's means of production is an issue that needs to be carefully examined.

18.Pollution/poverty are specially advantageous to the major shareholders of private enterprise.

19.Our major social problems are caused by the profit imperative overriding all other values.

20.The belief that God sanctions our social order or our state at war is a superstition.

21.There may be better alternatives for long-term sexual union than the private property structure of state-regulated marriage.

22.The Soviet Union pays significantly more than the world-price for imports from the countries of East Europe, and charges significantly less for its exports.

23.Socialist revolution has been by and large beneficial for the living standards of most citizens in societies where it has occurred.

24.Over 90% of Canadian citizens are not capitalists but members of the working class who depend for their living on wages or salaries.

25.Unions have historically led the struggle for improvements in health care, working conditions and social security for the population as a whole.

26.The business community has excessive political and economic power in our society.

27.Our schools do not train the young to think critically, but to obey corporate or office authority without question.

28.The President and his leading advisors arc provable war criminals.

29.Christianity calls for the redistribution of wealth.

30.The mass media are essentially a joint-stock company of profit and advertising, for major private corporations.

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