The Shore

The Shore

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Women, Work, Palestine and Carnival Games

The worst jobs. . . the most dangerous jobs. 

 Global TV published a piece about the "worst jobs" citing the most dangerous (with death as the outcome) but with a focus on jobs (like healthcare) where mental health is a big issue. 

Most people think of "dangerous jobs" as the ones where there might be violence like policing and corrections, but death (although it happens and is always a tragedy when anyone dies at work) is not an issue statistically for those professions - they do not even make the list of most dangerous professions and yet they are compensated for that risk.  Police Officers in Halifax now (in large numbers and including overtime) make over $100,000/yr  -- and that list was compiled before they got an arbitration decision of 2.75% increases each year for 5 year.   Basic requirements - physical requirements, a pass on a basic knowledge (GED equivalent) test, a high school diploma and a good character with no criminal record.  Compare that to nurses, (basic requirement now - 4 year degree and working unpaid under supervision) and teachers, (require two degrees and working unpaid under supervision) and librarians (many with master's degrees) There is history at work here - as historically,  male occupations were unionized first and for along time we existed in a world where "men are the bread winners" and "men have to be able to support a family",   which set up a lot of these dichotomies.   But it is not any kind of "pay for work of equal value" which we are supposed to be working under/toward (for the last 25 years) 
The worst thing for your health as a workers is to work mixed day and night shifts - where do they still do this?  Healthcare for sure.    And have you seen the pics of the violence that Educational Assistants put up with?    My only point is that job compensation is not related to actual danger, or pre-reqs like education,  but, in fact, are segregated and compensated by union density, year they got organized,  and gender.   Lest you think I do protest too much about gender, there is evidence from the New York Times. . . When the number of women in an occupation increases, the pay for that occupation drops.
"Women, for example, are now better educated than men, have nearly as much work experience and are equally likely to pursue many high-paying careers. No longer can the gap be dismissed with pat observations that women outnumber men in lower-paying jobs like teaching and social work.
A new study from researchers at Cornell University found that the difference between the occupations and industries in which men and women work has recently become the single largest cause of the gender pay gap, accounting for more than half of it. In fact, another study shows, when women enter fields in greater numbers, pay declines — for the very same jobs that more men were doing before."
Not like it could not be fixed - just requires political/social will.   In Iceland, as of this year, it is illegal to pay women less than men. 

'Iceland is not waiting for the gender pay gap to fix itself.
Starting January 1, 2018, it is now illegal for employers to pay women less than men. In Iceland, both public and private employers with 25 employees or more will need obtain government certification of equal pay policies. Organizations that fail to obtain the certification will face fines.


Was reminded of something today from a Facebook "memory" of us meeting my son's,  in-laws for the first time (and we really love them!) There is a word in Yiddish for the relationship - our "machetunim" -- thanks to Yiddish for having a word we do not have in English!  But need.



Gideon Levy - a journalist and Israeli Human Rights Advocate writes about the arrest and detention of Ahed Tamimi and how much Palestinians have become non-human to most Israeli's.   Yes there are Human rights Abuses all over the world and Israel always wants to us "whataboutism" - - what about Russia, what about the Philippines, what about Indigenous People in Canada?  Well I decry all of them too - but I think Israel gets the brunt because they keep saying they are a democracy and have the rule of law etc but in fact it is only for some, jut like it is in some Arabic/Muslim countries. . . . We object to rule by religion in other countries. But Israel expects a pass.  Click on photo for link to full article.

"Yet even Ahed Tamimi’s “non-Arab” appearance hasn’t managed to touch any hearts here. The wall of dehumanization and demonization that has been built through vile campaigns of incitement, propaganda and brain-washing against the Palestinians has trumped even the blonde from Nabi Saleh.              . . .
"Tamimi is a Palestinian, that is to say, a terrorist, and therefore, she doesn’t deserve any feelings of sympathy. Nothing will crack the defensive shield that protects Israelis from feelings of guilt, or at least discomfort, over her outrageous arrest, over the discrimination by the justice system, which would never have paid any attention to her had she been a Jewish settler.         . . .
"Israel hides behind an iron curtain that it’s no longer possible to pierce. Nothing Israel does to the Palestinians is still capable of rousing any compassion. Not even the poster girl, Tamimi. Even if she were sentenced to life in prison for a slap, even if she were sentenced to death, her punishment would be greeted with either open joy or indifference. There is no place for any other human emotion toward any Palestinian.

Science of Carnival Games

Have not got time today but someday I am going to take this and write the same info about Capitalism scams!  LOL


Larry said...

The Israeli journalist who wrote that story about Ahed Tamimi was Gideon Levy, not Gideon Koren.

Cheriee Weichel said...

I remember looking at a couple of graphs created by the BCTF that showed a correlation between a drop in teacher’s salaries and the increase of women into the profession. So depressing.

Margaret Anne McHugh said...

Thanks Larry - have corrected. Not sure where the Koran came from (well I do have a Gideon Kopran - sick kids in my past) - senior moment - thanks for noticing.