The Shore

The Shore

Saturday, May 22, 2010

NDP under attack by Halifax Chronicle-Herald

You know, I have issues with the N.S. NDP. No one, and no party, is perfect and they have done some good things and made some mistakes, in the last year. I worry that they are not moving fast enough and not being visionary enough. BUT the Chronicle-Herald seems to be on a bit of vendetta against the current governing party - are they not ordering enough newspapers?

First the expense scandal - which all things considered was 1) not that bad and 2) came to light BECAUSE the government was determined to clean things up and keep MLA's accountable. But they could not catch a break on that one. . . and were given no quarter for the fact that they were trying to improve the accountability and get expenses under control. I am embarrassed that the CH among other news sources in the province thought that a $300 brief case was too much for a PREMIER! or that he might have travelled on a 20 hour flight to Vietnam first class - as I understand it the ONLY first class flight he has taken as Premier! Like I said embarrassing.

I was appalled this morning to read the story in the CH about Dan O'Connor. I am not going to debate whether the premier's chief of staff should be allowed to defend the government anonymously, but for the CH to "out" him because they did not like what he said, was I think, pretty stinky! I was confused about a few facts, but Parker Donham sets it straight on his blog, Contrarian, today's entitled: Caught in a falsehood, Herald lies again.

He says in part:

A story by Judy Myrden in Friday’s Chronicle-Herald falsely conflated the cost of producing the

NDP Government’s new Electricity Plan with the cost of a Pictou County media briefing and announcement of the plan

The effect was to overstate the cost of the news conference by four times.

Called on the falsehood, the paper repeats it in today’s lead story, also written by Myrden.

Myrden then compounds this dishonesty by falsely accusing Premier Darrell Dexter’s chief of staff, Dan O’Connor, of denying he had anonymously posted comments to the Herald’s website pointing out the paper’s misrepresentation.

WTF? What is up with the Herald?

I knew that due to a recent court case in N.S. that, where defamation was involved, you could not expect to keep your posts anonymous if you got yourself involved in a libel suit and or the police were involved, but I did expect the paper to never "out me" on the front page no matter what I said. So I have asked the CH to remove my "log-in" membership - whatever they call it and do not plan to ever post a comment on their site again. I don't subscribe, but read the CH online - so I cannot cancel my subscription . . . It's my weak blow for privacy on the web, this week - next FACEBOOK!!!

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